
Welcome to the blog of Kent Morris for Maranoa Reional Council!
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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Make your vote count (and be counted)

I haven’t updated the blog for a couple of days, Mostly because I have had a horrible cold that came on me last Tuesday night and, well, I haven’t really felt that sociable.

Last Friday, I went to Roma to attend a stud cattle sale at the saleyards, which was well attended and sold quite well. The sale was over by lunchtime, and in the afternoon, I dropped in to see the returning officer for some information on the appointment of scrutineers and the conduct of the elections. We went on to discuss a great many issues, such as the auditing of Campaign bank accounts, Advertising disclosure and the whole postal voting process.

With around 2400 votes being returned so far, we went on to talking about what constitutes a formal vote and she advised that around 5 % of the votes returned to date where declared informal, and that is even before the ballot papers had been seen. This was as a result of removing the flap from the declaration envelope or not having the declarations witnessed.

As a result of that discussion, I have decided that this Blog post should be all about how to make your vote count.
·         On the MAYORAL Ballot Paper, put a “1” in the box of the candidate of your choice
·         On the COUNCILLOR ballot paper, number 1 to 8 the candidates of your choice (although I do hope your number 1 vote will be for yours truly!)
·         Put BOTH ballot papers in the DECLARATION envelope
·         Sign the declaration envelope
·         Have a witness complete and sign the witness section of the declaration envelope.
·         Put the declaration envelope in the Reply Paid envelope and post it.

A number of votes have been received with the flap missing from the declaration envelope. These votes cannot be counted as formal votes as the returning officer is unable to identify whose vote it is.  Or the vote has not been witnessed, and therefore the vote has not been verified.

Electors have gone to a great deal of trouble attending forums, listening to candidates, reading flyers and ads and in some cases, questioning the candidates on issues that they feel important only to throw it all away by failing to complete the declarations properly. They are completely unaware that their vote will not be counted.

Remember, every 4 years, you get the opportunity to pass your judgement on your local council, whether it be good, bad or indifferent, please don’t throw that opportunity away.

Also, a reminder, if you have not received your ballot paper or have spoilt it, you can contact Alison Moore at the Roma Community Arts Centre and Library and she can organise for a replacement. It will take a little while as there is some paperwork to complete.

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