
Welcome to the blog of Kent Morris for Maranoa Reional Council!
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Monday, 30 April 2012

The wash up.

Well the Maranoa has spoken for the next 4 years and it would appear very little has changed. It looks like all of the sitting councillors, with the exception on Jeff Watson have been returned with Ree Price in a battle with Peter Keegan for the last place.

It would also appear that David Schefe and Peter Flynn have made a successful return to local government with the only newcomer to local government being Cameron O’Niel.

I must say, I have been surprised by the outcome, as throughout my travels, I have heard what I thought was an overwhelming call for change in council. This has not occurred. It seems that in spite of the rhetoric, once the voters have been faced with the cold reality of who to choose, they have elected to retain the existing council instead of choosing a new one. Better the devil you know, I guess...

I am disappointed that I was not successful in my campaign, but I am not about to go and throw myself off a bridge over it. I guess I didn’t do a good enough job at selling myself to the electorate. Either that or they did not like what they saw. I feel that I can hold my head up as having run a clean and honest campaign. No-one can take that away from me.

Am I going to try again? Well, that’s 4 years away, a lot can happen so let’s just wait and see. The immediate challenge is seeing what the mood of the new council is like and how it functions. The complete dynamic has changed as a result of 3 different councillors being elected.

We must ensure that we hold them to their promises. Promises for open and accountable government, promises to implement portfolios, promises to decentralise some operations and promises to better engage with the community.

In closing, I wish to thank those people who decided to vote for me as your candidate on council. I am humbled and grateful for every vote I received. To those who did not vote for me, I’m sorry that I did not convince you of my merits as your chosen candidate. To my fellow candidates who did not get elected, thankyou for the competition and to those new councillors elected, congratulations on your success.

I’ll probably wind the blog down a bit now, maybe a name change? Maybe a change in focus? Maybe I might run a commentary on council? We’ll see what the future brings.

To all my loyal blog readers over the campaign, I thank you for giving me your time and reading what I had to say.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

It’s over to you....

This may well be my final Blog post prior to the close of voting. As a candidate, I’ve done my part in introducing myself to the voters of the shire and it’s over to you all to now make the decision. Only time will tell if I have been successful or not in selling myself to you.

Pre-poll scrutiny starts on Friday, with candidates scrutineers being allowed to observe the checking of declaration flaps against the Electoral roll, where the flap will be removed and the envelope placed in the ballot box. Following this, the envelopes will then be opened and both ballot papers removed and put into the ballot box, this is how the votes become anonymous.

Scrutineering of the ballot papers can begin with the counting of the votes, which should commence around 6.00pm on Saturday evening.

The Mayoral Ballots will be counted on Saturday night, with the Councillor ballots commencing on Sunday morning. Counting will continue up until the 8th of May, when the last of the postal ballots must have been received by the returning officer.

It feels like it has been a long campaign, I started gearing up my campaign in the end of January, at that stage, the election was set for the end of March. As you would recall, the then Premier decided to postpone the elections so that we could have a state election first. Throw in the Floods, Easter and a couple of other things and it feels like it has been a long run.

So, I’d like to thank everyone for taking an interest in the campaign so far, my next post will most likely be dealing with the results of the election. To the residents of the Maranoa region, I await your decision.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Make your vote count (and be counted)

I haven’t updated the blog for a couple of days, Mostly because I have had a horrible cold that came on me last Tuesday night and, well, I haven’t really felt that sociable.

Last Friday, I went to Roma to attend a stud cattle sale at the saleyards, which was well attended and sold quite well. The sale was over by lunchtime, and in the afternoon, I dropped in to see the returning officer for some information on the appointment of scrutineers and the conduct of the elections. We went on to discuss a great many issues, such as the auditing of Campaign bank accounts, Advertising disclosure and the whole postal voting process.

With around 2400 votes being returned so far, we went on to talking about what constitutes a formal vote and she advised that around 5 % of the votes returned to date where declared informal, and that is even before the ballot papers had been seen. This was as a result of removing the flap from the declaration envelope or not having the declarations witnessed.

As a result of that discussion, I have decided that this Blog post should be all about how to make your vote count.
·         On the MAYORAL Ballot Paper, put a “1” in the box of the candidate of your choice
·         On the COUNCILLOR ballot paper, number 1 to 8 the candidates of your choice (although I do hope your number 1 vote will be for yours truly!)
·         Put BOTH ballot papers in the DECLARATION envelope
·         Sign the declaration envelope
·         Have a witness complete and sign the witness section of the declaration envelope.
·         Put the declaration envelope in the Reply Paid envelope and post it.

A number of votes have been received with the flap missing from the declaration envelope. These votes cannot be counted as formal votes as the returning officer is unable to identify whose vote it is.  Or the vote has not been witnessed, and therefore the vote has not been verified.

Electors have gone to a great deal of trouble attending forums, listening to candidates, reading flyers and ads and in some cases, questioning the candidates on issues that they feel important only to throw it all away by failing to complete the declarations properly. They are completely unaware that their vote will not be counted.

Remember, every 4 years, you get the opportunity to pass your judgement on your local council, whether it be good, bad or indifferent, please don’t throw that opportunity away.

Also, a reminder, if you have not received your ballot paper or have spoilt it, you can contact Alison Moore at the Roma Community Arts Centre and Library and she can organise for a replacement. It will take a little while as there is some paperwork to complete.

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Plant and Commercial activities

Today's post, If I am honest, is really 2 separate posts, but they are sort of related....

Plant and Equipment

Plant and equipment comprise a significant part of council’s asset base. It is important to maintain an efficient and effective plant fleet. Plant purchases represent a significant investment of council’s budget. We need to ensure that all plant purchases are well researched and carefully considered. Consideration should not only be given to WHAT the equipment is, but also HOW it would be deployed. Do we buy 3 smaller machines based around the shire, or do we buy 1 bigger one that does it quicker and can be moved around the shire as required?

Plant replacement must be organised to occur while a piece of equipment still holds some resale value and before it starts to incur increased maintenance costs. Sometimes this means that the best value for money machine when it is new, may not be the one that is cheapest to buy.

I would also like to see some exploration into the feasibility of purchasing a pavement stabiliser for use in rehabilitating deformed sealed shire roads and to explore the hire opportunities that may exist to other surrounding shires or for Main Roads work.

Commercial Enterprises

We must question, very carefully, the operation of Commercial enterprises operated by local government. They tend to have a history of being unsuccessful in the longer term for a number of reasons. Any new commercial enterprise should only be entered into afte careful and detailed consideration. Council should not be in the role of direct competition with existing or potential local businesses. Any commercial enterprise operated by council must be scrutinised carefully to ensure that they are, in fact, profitable.

Having said that, however, commercial enterprises should not be confused with private works. there is a role for council to fill the gap in a number instances, providing products and services from their day to day operation to the public that would otherwise be unavailable or unviable. An example of this is the manufacture of hydraulic hoses in the workshop or the provision of sand and garden loam.

Monday, 16 April 2012


Modern technology has opened up a whole new world of communications opportunities. There are now very few people who do not have some form of access to the internet with many of us carrying around devices in our pocket that can give us access to a world of information.

Council must embrace this technology and push to provide as much information as they can. While council currently maintains a website, it seems to be infrequently updated and missing a lot of important information. I was looking at a website for a council in South Australia recently, that allowed you to Pay your rates bill, register your dog, search the cemetery records, report a complaint and even search the library catalogue for a book.

Providing the information online removes the need for people to contact the customer service centres freeing up resources to deal with other issues. A good website is an employee that is at work 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.

I support wholeheartedly, the continued publication of the Bottle Tree Bulletin. I think that this wonderful community resource is an invaluable tool for the bringing of communities together from across the region. I do feel, however, that the council is not using this resource to its full potential. I would like to see more “operational” type information included in this publication. Information such as Planned works, such as where the road maintenance crews are working and where they are headed next, when the sewers are going to be fogged, the library opening hours and the like. Council is paying for the publication and they need to use it to its full potential.

Good communication is the key to ensuring that the public retains confidence in what council is doing. When people are unable to find out what is going on, is when the suspicion starts to creep into their minds. If there is nothing to hide, why hide it?

Sunday, 15 April 2012

ULDA - My View

Most people would be aware of the Clearview Rise development being undertaken by the ULDA in Roma near the hospital. The concept is a noble one, to provide additional housing in Roma to alleviate the pressure on the property market there.

I have concerns that the development has been allowed to occur without regard to the planning scheme for Roma town. Things such as minimum lot sizes and boundary clearances under the planning scheme have been disregarded. I fear that an area of High intensity housing within the Roma town area will lead to the creation of a number of social issues. No-one likes living in someone else’s pocket.

I am also disappointed that the ULDA has disregarded local businesses in awarding the tenders for the development and construction of Clearview Rise. Awarding these contracts to outside companies only goes to increase the pressure on Roma’s housing stocks in the short term.

The use of Outside contractors also provides no long term benefits for local tradesmen and suppliers. The ULDA has said that they didn’t ask local suppliers and contractors as they where currently working at capacity. I think it is a slap in the face to these businesses to be overlooked in this matter. If the work was there, there may have been opportunities for local businesses to grow or to form partnerships and joint ventures with other suppliers to fill the need. For the ULDA to ignore the local businesses in Roma in this regard is shameful.

ULDA will do little to solve the housing crisis in Roma, with the real underlying issue of housing affordability in Roma being the high cost of RENTAL accommodation. We cannot retain the long term residents and staff in industries outside the oil and gas sector when we have rental prices than in some cases can equal 100% of the take home wages of some workers. In many mining towns, the growth of local business is stifled through not being able to employ staff due to the high cost of housing.

We need to be looking for ways to address the accommodation shortage, while retaining as much of the existing value in the homes of residents as possible, we do not want to implement a rental solution that strips the resale value of the existing homes. Council as custodian of land stocks around the town is able to partner with housing providers to provide innovative solutions to this problem.

Roma and some of the surrounding towns need access to fixed rental housing for people outside of the resources sector, the ULDA will do nothing to address this problem.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Flood Mitigation

Given the recent flooding that has again affected the region, I think the time has come to progress the provision of flood monitoring and mitigation. If we had got on and installed some form of mitigation for Roma after the first flood, the savings in clean up costs would have gone a long way toward paying for it now.

Levees always cause a number of issues. Where do you put it? Who is inside and who is outside? What about the increased levels of water in homes outside the levee? These are all issues that as a community need to be worked out. Other mitigations such as channel enlargement, diversions and flood dams should also be explored.
Whether we install mitigation devices or not, we also need to explore the possibility of raising houses above flood level, or organising some form of land swap for land on higher ground. Perhaps some of the lower lying land could be used as public spaces such as sports fields and parks.
For those communities that are not subject to regular flooding, we need to have a look at the flood monitoring network and identify where “Holes” exist. For example there is only one monitoring station above Mitchell and it is 3 hours “river time” upstream. I have already expressed my desire to see the Forestvale station on the Maranoa Re-Automated, but I would like to see a complete overview with some meaningful community consultation to identify gaps across the entire Maranoa region.
For example, I have heard anecdotal reports of a need for better monitoring on the Coggoon River and also North of the Begonia area as well. 
The installation of flood monitoring is one of the issues that continually get bounced around between the 3 levels of Government with everyone wanting everyone else to do it. I think that Council must take a lead role in seeing that the Buck Passing stops and that SOMEONE just gets on and does it.

Monday, 9 April 2012


I am opposed to any push to centralise all of the functions of the Council in Roma for a number of reasons:

·       Real estate cost – Centralisation of all of the functions of the council in Roma would require a significant increase in the amount of office space and would necessitate the purchase, lease or construction of additional office space. Given that the council holds significant real estate in other centres that would be wasted, I can see no justification in the unnecessary expense
·         Community Access – Centralisation denies residents in outlying areas easy access to council admin services. Remembering that the Maranoa Shire Boundary to the south of Mitchell is 170km away, to add another 88km would mean that these people would have to travel over 250km just to access a customer service centre.
·         Economic opportunity – Given that there is already limitations on the growth potential in the town of Roma without significant cost to developers, high rental prices and expensive housing, It makes sense to spread the functions of council across the region to help equalise the population across the region and to spread the jobs around.

I would not support any proposal to centralise the functions of council in any one location.

Furthermore, I prefer a policy of active decentralisation, I would like to see some activities of council, particularly works (Roads, Parks and Gardens etc) operate under a “Branch model” where the works manager be located in outlying areas and that person is responsible for setting their budget and prioritising their maintenance and capital works. Obviously, the budgeting process would be conducted in consultation with the works director, but once the budget was set, when and how works where conducted would be up to the manager to organise. Plant logistics and programmes would be worked out with the other managers to ensure optimal utilisation of the plant pool and technical services would still be shared across regions, but the works manager for an area would be in control of ensuring that the works where done on time and on cost.

The benefit of such a model is that the person in the area would be contactable and able to make decisions with regard to their budget and works programme.

If you give people responsibility in their work, you give them job satisfaction and, by default, you help retain your workforce. A Win-Win for everyone!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Urban Planning and Development

Urban planning and development is one of those issues where the amalgamation of planning schemes from across the 5 shires has commenced, but is still not complete, some people may see this as council dragging their feet, but there is a good reason for this.

Planning schemes define our community. They identify who we are and what we want to be. Development of a planning scheme has a direct and tangible relationship to the social wellbeing of any community, which is why it cannot be rushed.

Planning schemes not only define things like minimum lot sizes and boundary clearances, but how different types of land use relate to each other. They often are the only tool available to the public that gives them a say about what goes where, and what it will look like.

Having said all that, a review of the planning schemes is now due and we must start to think about what we want our communities of the future to look like. Where do we want to see our housing, commercial and industrial land, what directions our towns should grow and how we are going to service them?

We need to be thinking about the relationship between floods and future development. Things like minimum floor heights in flood prone areas, whether or not we allow subdivision in flood prone areas, stormwater management and the impact of headworks.

We also need to consider the ratios of commercial space to residential space. As a community grows, the need for additional shops and offices also grows. Where are we going to source our water from and where are we going to dispose of our waste to.

There has been some criticism of council for failing to prepare for the affects of the resources boom, but I would counter that by saying there was a failure of the resource companies to inform council of their intentions in the area. The resource industry seem unwilling to  share some information on what they have planned for the region as they seem to treat their plans as “It’s commercial in confidence” this kind of secrecy makes any form of planning difficult and some of the growing pains that our community is experiencing now must be laid at their feet.

I have a number of views on what I feel our community should look like into the future, many of them I have expressed elsewhere but for the record here are some of the key points:
·         I do not support further subdivision in flood prone areas
·         I do not support a reduction in minimum lot sizes
·         I support the expansion of the area currently zoned commercial land in Roma (where that extension would be is up for debate)
·         I do not support developments such as the ULDA (Clearview Rise)
·         We must mitigate the impact of flooding
·         Retaining current block width to depth ratios

While council endeavours to process planning approvals as quickly as possible, I for one would hate to see the process rushed as once the approval is given, there is no going back. Figures must be checked and design must be scrutinised. A little bit of time for a thorough examination is fine by me.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

The Maranoa Retirement Village - An exercise in poor community consultation...

The Maranoa Retirement Village is a prime example of where council got a decision completely and utterly wrong. While the final outcome from the exercise may be desirable, the process by which the end result was reached was nothing short of a disaster.

Council failed to adequately consult the community, they failed to interpret community sentiment and they wasted vast sums of money. Given that they claim to be losing $400,000 per year, and that they started the review process in excess of 18 months ago and that they are still quite some time away from the establishment of a new facility, one must ask why the council didn’t just get on and build the Multi Purpose Health Facility 2 years ago. We would now be 2 years closer to the new facility and thus $800,000 better off as well as not having alienated the community in the process. It should be noted that we are still losing money and construction still has not commenced. It would be fair to deduce that the funds spent keeping the old facility open all this time would have more than paid for the MPHS at the hospital.

Community Consultation is something the current council has not done well. They have paid lip service to it, but when push comes to shove, there has been some poor decisions made that have cost a lot to fix (if they have been fixed) or cannot be fixed.

Community consultation is the background of good democratic decision making. Even if the outcome is an unpalatable one, it is more likely to be accepted if the community has been part of the decision making process. There is no denying that community consultation is hard, people often do not seem willing to attend meetings to discuss decisions or complete surveys and the like, but it is important that people be given the opportunity.

It is better to say, “we had a survey, held some meetings and did a street walk and the issue you have identified didn’t come up, why didn’t you tell us then?” than to say “We didn’t think of that but we didn’t think you’d mind”

You are never going to make everyone happy even with community consultation, but it is better to have some of the people happy than none of the people happy. You have to do Community Consultation until you are blue in the face.... And then do it some more.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Tourism is one of the 4 pillars of industry in the Maranoa region (The other three being the resources industry, Agriculture and commerce) however, I have concerns that a lot of our tourist promotion is about looking to the past. With the exception of some attractions such as the Saleyards, Carnarvon Gorge and the Great artesian spa, the majority of our tourism promotion is about “look at what we had” more than “Look at what we have”

I’m not suggesting for one minute that we should not be celebrating our past, on the contrary, if we do not acknowledge our past, we devalue our future. The operation of tourism enterprises such as the Big Rig is an invaluable asset to our community and must be fostered and supported.

We should be celebrating what makes the Maranoa the pace it is now as well. Its Oil and Gas industry, its agricultural production, its biodiversity and its lifestyle.

Studies have shown, that for every dollar we bring in to a community from outside, its worth $3 already going around in the community. Tourism is one of those industries that has a bright future and should form part of the mix of any healthy local economy.

As the population gets older, there will continue to be great numbers of retirees doing “the grand tour” of the nation before they settle down to finally retire. Lots of these tourists are looking for “doing” opportunities in their travels, not just “seeing” opportunities. This is a challenge for us to actively seek out tourism experiences more so that tourist attractions. Farmstays, ecotourism, prospecting and bushwalking are some experiences that spring to mind.

In 20 years when the resources bubble has burst, we will need to return to the other industries in the region to maintain our towns. We need to be doing the background work now to make the transition as smooth as possible.

The SERVANT of the people...

I attended a meeting of the Yuleba Progress Association yesterday and was given an opportunity to present to the members, the reasons why I felt that I would make a good choice of Councillor. There were 6 other candidates for councillor positions and 2 mayoral candidates in attendance. A little disappointing, given the proximity of Yuleba to Roma, But that’s another story.

During the meeting of the Progress association, the issue of the speed limit on the highway through Yuleba was raised and correspondence with Main Roads in this regard was discussed. Some of you may know, that the current speed limit on the highway trough Yuleba is 80km/hr. The people of Yuleba are trying to get this reduced to 60km/hr.

It is a very laudable and worthwhile request. There is volumes of data showing the direct correlation between speed and accidents. There is not one person reading this who hasn’t been bombarded with “Speed kills” or “Slow down, Stupid” messages. So why then, is Main Roads so dead against it?

It seems that their letter to Main Roads not only went unanswered for months and months, but when a response was received after much prompting, the suggestion was that perhaps the speed limit should be RAISED to 100km/hr!

I really have difficulty with this, I fail to see how an increase in the speed limit in any part of a built up area is anything but a dumb idea. There has been a great push to reduce the speed limit in urban areas to 50km/hr, but somehow Main Roads think it would be acceptable to INCREASE the speed through Yuleba!

Yuleba’s only Pub and Take-away is located on this section of road. Venues that attract pedestrian traffic. Imagine a hotel or cafe with a 100km speed limit out the front!

It seems that, the needs of someone zipping through to the west or in a mad rush to get to Toowoomba before the shops close are of more importance than the safety and livelihood of the people of Yuleba. Studies have shown that the travelling public are more likely to stop in an area where the speed limit is reduced to 60km or less. The current speed limit is denying the people of Yuleba an economic opportunity and impacting on their future prosperity.

It is fair to expect that Main Roads primary focus is on road users and road safety, but this must be coupled to the social responsibility that they, as a department of Government, have to the communities they impact upon.

The people of Yuleba have not given up their fight, and nor should they. Only last week we saw what effective lobbying can achieve in Roma where Main Roads wanted to close the turning lane into the Mandalay Motel. People power has won out in the end, with the proposal to close off the turning lane abandoned (For now)

The speed limit in Yuleba should be reduced, by one means or another. Council needs to take up the cause and lobby main roads on behalf of the Yuleba community. Should Main Roads continue to resist the desires of the community, there are other things that council can do to slow down the traffic, Lobby for the installation of a turning lane into the Yuleba town, installing plantings that make the space appear more “Urban” and closed in thus giving the illusion of a 60km zone, and the installation of speed advisory (Yellow) signs, Children crossing, and the like.

The council placemaking strategy is looking toward creating town entry signage and beautification works, this is a perfect opportunity to calm the traffic down and draw the travelling public into the town of Yuleba.

All levels of Government must remember, government exists to serve all people and that the needs of the person living in a town should always outweigh the needs of those people “Blowing through”.

Friday, 30 March 2012

The fundamentals

I’ve been waiting for this subject to “come up in conversation” for some time... Anyway, here are my thoughts on the fundamentals....

Rubbish, Water and Sewerage

Rubbish, water and sewerage are some of the important “back room” functions that council controls that we often take for granted. They are a bit like Oxygen, We don’t realise how much we need it until it is not there.

 Often water and sewerage infrastructure is installed and maintained in an ad-hoc manner as issues arise. We need to ensure that water and sewerage infrastructure is managed and programmed replacement can occur as necessary. We don’t want to wake up one morning to realise that the whole thing is worn out and needs replacing NOW. The cost would be astronomical.

 Waste disposal is an issue that is going to become more and more of a problem as time goes by. As communities grow, there is more demand for waste disposal, but it gets harder and harder to construct and maintain these kinds of facilities. We are already seeing this with the recent decision by DERM to disallow the construction of a new refuse pit at Mitchell. Council will need to look for new and novel ways to manage their waste.

Thursday, 29 March 2012


After my trip to Roma today, I got to thinking about roads again, so I have decided that the “Issue of the day” is roads.

Town Streets
I believe that in this day and age, it is unacceptable for our urban areas to have town streets that are unsealed and without kerbing and channelling. Council should set a plan in place to seal the remaining unsealed streets in urban areas. Council should also look to install kerbing and channelling in town streets where block sizes are 2 acres or less.

Rural Roads
I would propose that a program of upgrading the more heavily used local roads within the shire. Roads such as the Bollon Road, The Redford road, the Mount Moffatt road, The Maranoa road and many more besides should have a plan in place to bring the formed earth sections of road up to a gravel sheeting standard with a view to sealing these roads as finances allow. Any works being undertaken now should be done in such a way to allow for the further improvement of the road without significant reworking. For example, when gravel sheeting these roads, the material used and the amount used should be such that, if required, the road could be sealed at a later date without significant further work.

A study must also be undertaken to identify the weak links in the council road infrastructure network, for example, there is a pressing need for the installation of a raised crossing on the Womalilla creek on the Middle road.

Main Roads and Highways
In the last 10 years, we have seen a continual decline in the condition of the State and federal roads across the shire. A continued neglect and lack of funding has become evident as the state government becomes more centralised in their focus narrowing to the South East corner.

The Warrego highway from one end to the other is mediocre in the good bits and downright disgraceful in the rest. Council must take on a lobbying role to get some works done.

The Warrego Highway has the highest ratio of Heavy vehicles as a proportion of total daily traffic, yet we continue to see minimal standards of design and no bonus for rideability in road construction contracts.

Main Roads needs to be actively working on a plan to get all state controlled roads up to at least a 6m bitumen seal. We still have State roads with single lane timber bridges on main roads within the shire! The time has come to drag the condition of state and national controlled roads in the shire into the 20th century, let alone the 21st century.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The task ahead of me....

I attended the council meeting in Mitchell today to give myself an insight into the meeting procedure of this particular council. I was made to feel most welcome and was treated in courteous and polite manner by all concerned. It also gave me the opportunity to meet with some of the other candidates and to discuss issues that may come up in the campaign.

Also during the day, I sorted out more campaign flyers and posters so I can start in getting some of these up. I’m still undecided about coreflutes, they are an excellent medium for getting your name out, but they are so hellishingly expensive!!!

Tonight I came home and sorted out my email contact list to start sending out campaign updates. I’m thinking of sending out some of the info that goes in some of my blog posts as an email to my mailing list. I now have over 100 people on my email list and I am hoping that this will become a valuable source of information.

Tonight I have sat down to look strategically at the list of candidates and tried to start and work out their strengths and weaknesses. It is now that the task ahead of me becomes apparent.

There are 16 candidates, from which we must elect 8 councillors. There are 8240 voters on the roll for the Maranoa Regional council, each voter gets 8 votes therefore the total vote pool is 65920 votes (assuming every eligible voter votes) if everyone where to get an equal amount of votes, the target quota of votes is 4120 votes.

This is unlikely to happen as there is always a “Favourite” candidate who polls well in excess of the borderline number, but it is also true that there is often also an “Unpopular” candidate who fails to get any votes at all.

In reality, I will have to acquire somewhere around 3500 to 4000 votes to be successful in obtaining a seat at the table. The task starts now...

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Time to roll up the sleeves and get into the campaign

I have been taking a bit of a break from Blogging over the last couple of weeks, but now it’s time to get stuck into it.

There have been 16 nominations for councillor, from which we have to elect 8, so half of us will have to miss out.... Is the number a bad thing or a good thing? Well we will just have to wait and see.

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks doing some background work. I’ve organised and printed some flyers to go out later in the campaign, as well as started a campaign diary to organise all of the upcoming functions and appointments.

One of the things I have been working on is a policy overview document outlining my position on issues such as Centralisation, Equalisation of Services, Roads, Flood Mitigation, The Neil Turner Weir, ULDA, The Resources “Boom”, Emergency Management, Community Events and Organisations, Local Suppliers, Communications, Community Consultation and many others.

Over the next 5 weeks, I will post a different issue in each post, interspersed with posts of issues of the day or my thoughts on campaign happenings.

So, Here we go....

Equalisation of Services

There has been much talk in this term of council about the equalisation of services where different levels of service where provided by different councils prior to amalgamation. This is where Issues such as the Maranoa Retirement Village and the Booringa Bulletin became hot issues.

It is important to review all of the facilities and services offered by council and it is equally important to standardise these things across the entire Maranoa region. This does not automatically mean that we all have to have the lowest common denominator. Equalisation of services is not automatically about the simplest/least/most basic, it is about providing the best/optimal/most suitable. We shouldn’t automatically be doing away with things that other parts of the region don’t have, we should be looking at whether or not it is a good idea and if it is, maybe we should be rolling it out across the entire shire.

Friday, 24 February 2012

Should we sentence the Neil Turner Weir to death?

I think it is time for some calm in the debate surrounding the future of the Neil Turner weir at Mitchell. Recent media reports have a number of locals and politicians calling for the Weir to be dismantled, but I urge people to consider the facts before acting as Judge, Jury and Executioner.

Many old timers advised of the flow patterns of the Maranoa river when in full flood, these patterns have not changed, What they said the river did in the 1950’s is just what it did this time, and the weir did not exist in the 1950’s.The river has not run at a height exceeding 9m since 1956 and it is only the third time since 1846 that it has been above the 9m mark.

The flooding of the town of Mitchell has more to do with the volume of water in the river, rather than the presence of the Neil Turner Weir, A quick history lesson will show that.

In 1846, Major Mitchell first explored the region and found the Maranoa River, 15 years later, in 1861 Mitchell Downs station was founded. In 1864, a flood of 9.56m washed the homestead away and the owners moved to the present location of the Mitchell Downs homestead. The ruins where taken over by Mr Thomas Close and the Maranoa hotel was opened.  The town of Mitchell grew up around these establishments and grew to become the community it is today. For 148 years the town of Mitchell has existed happily on the banks of the river. On Friday, February 3rd, the Maranoa River rose to reach a peak of 9.84m, 0.28m above the previous record peak. There is not a road, building or person in Mitchell who was around to experience a flood of anywhere near this magnitude, a record that has stood for 148 years was washed away.

I would call for the operators of the Weir to undertake a review of the weir and pending that outcome, to make a decision on its future. I personally would like to see the weir desilted, rather than removed.

I would suggest that the lack of culverts under the railway line had a bigger impact on the extent of the flooding in Mitchell, rather than the Weir, Large culverts and bridges under the railway line through the town area where removed years ago and replaced by one small culvert. What the railway has done is build a levee to hold the water back onto the northern side of town.

The people of Mitchell deserve some answers and I think a detailed review of all structures on the floodplain is required, but let’s not condemn any community asset to the history books without a proper review.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

The Maranoa Region

The recent floods have highlighted an interesting fact to me. It is something that I have known and suspected for some time, that is, that the footprint of the amalgamated council is disenfranchising people in smaller outlying communities.
 If you ask anyone to identify the communities within the Maranoa, most people would be able to bang off a list that contained Roma, Mitchell, Injune, Surat, Yuleba, Wallumbilla, Amby and Mungallala. But there are many more, communities such as Dunkeld, Begonia, Noonga, Bymount and some located just over our border such as the Nebine. While these communities may not have shops and post offices, they do have schools or halls or community facilities.

Such centres often form social hubs where people can go to interact with their friends, or hold their community group meetings. These centres are often used by visiting organisations such as Landcare or Agforce to hold training days. Many of them are currently being used for community recovery centres by the government after the recent floods.

Often the residents who are serviced by these communities can be forgotten in the mix when decisions are being made within the shire. The problem is exacerbated when these communities receive their mail service from towns located outside the shire.

 Let’s take, for example the community of Begonia.

 Begonia is located on the Mitchell-St George road. Its nearest town is St George from where a large number of the community receive their mail service and where a lot of people from the area go to do their shopping. I would venture to guess that the local paper of choice would be the Balonne Beacon and the radio station most often listened to would be 711AM ABC southern Queensland. Begonia has a station homestead, a school and a community hall/sports club.

 Given that their mail comes from St, George, they would receive all of the community mail from the St. George area. They would most likely even receive the Balonne shire council community information.

 So what, you say, why are you telling me all about a community Located near St. George?

 Because these people are Ratepayers in the Maranoa Shire. Their nearest council office is Roma, Surat or Mitchell, yet they are serviced by St. George. It’s worth considering this, if the council sends out a householder to the post offices in the shire, People at Begonia don’t get it. It was a long while before they even received the Bottle tree bulletin. Then it is only by direct mail.

We have all heard about how the floods have affected Roma and Mitchell. But these floods continued down the Maranoa through communities such as Dunkeld and on to Begonia. There where houses down there inundated with water, just like everywhere else. There where roads washed away down there, Just Like everywhere else and there where people isolated in their homes by floodwater, Just like everywhere else.

While the army and the SES and any number of other volunteers turned up to help us clean our houses and towns, the people of Begonia have largely been left to their own devices. Landcare and QMDC have made contact with a number of people down there to see if they are OK and have had teams of volunteers there to help them clean up. But they are still fighting a massive battle.

 They are wanting for the simplest of things, a dry pit to tip their flood damaged goods into and basic repairs to roads so they can get to town. But no-one seems to have heard their cry.

 These kinds of issues are not unique to Begonia. We have ratepayers serviced by towns outside the shire such as Morven and Bollon where the same sorts of issues arise. I suppose they are luckier than the people of the Birdsville district though. Their shire office is in Boulia. To send a postal ballot from Boulia to Birdsville it goes Boulia, Mt. Isa, Brisbane, Adelaide, Marree, Birdsville then to the property, where the box is ticked and posed back to Birdsville, Marree, Adelaide, Brisbane, Mount Isa, Boulia.  Halfway round the country and back to go a couple of hundred miles. I’ve been told this can take several weeks.

It pays to remember when we complain that we don’t know what is going on in our patch, that there are some who probably won’t even know the issue has arisen when we have already found the answer.

Monday, 13 February 2012

Let’s all help where we can!

I, like many other people have been helping out the flood victims where I can. Mucking out houses and delivering cleaning products to businesses to help kick start their cleanup has taken some of my time recently, but there is another part of helping flood victims that is a little less obvious.

A healthy and balanced community is a finely tuned thing. The simplest of things can start a chain reaction with dire consequences. We are all well aware of the many possessions that have been lost from over 300 homes in Mitchell alone and we have all heard the stories of people donating goods to the victims to help them recover what they have lost. While this is a good thing in the short term to supply items such as emergency clothing, cleaning products and foodstuffs, when it comes to refurnishing their homes, this may not necessarily be in the best interest of the community in the long term.

The businesses in our town supply the products, services, jobs and commerce that makes our town a town. These businesses are the same ones that sponsor things such as the footy team, the races, the campdraft and the show as well as many other events and activities. When donated goods come into the town from outside, this can mean that these businesses have missed out. In rewarding one part of the community, we have disadvantaged another.

Take, for example, a can of baked beans. If someone from away was to purchase a can of baked beans and donate it to someone in Mitchell, the benefits are simple, the business from away gets the money and someone from Mitchell gets the baked beans. If the person wishing to donate the beans was to buy them in Mitchell, that would provide the grocery store with a sale AND the tin of baked beans to the person who needs it.

If we where to source our donated goods here in town, we would see money going back into the local businesses who, in turn pay wages to residents in the town, by fuel for their car, employs the services of a local tradesman and so on.

Studies have shown that for every dollar brought into a community from outside is equal to $3 going around within that community. Couple to that the money spent on freighting the goods to town, and the cost increases further.

What I suppose I am saying is that while we should always be willing to donate goods to those in need, if we really want to see bang for our buck, then we would be better off donating the cash.

“Ahh” you say, “But how do I know that my money will get used to help those in need and not gobbled up in admin fees or wasted on grog and cigarettes?” the answer is in how the money is distributed.

Maranoa and Regional Support Services, Mitchell and District Landcare and the Booringa Action Group have set up the “Mitchell Community Flood Appeal” this fund will be administered by the 3 organisations and 100% of the funds raised will be distributed to the community. It is proposed to issue vouchers redeemable at local businesses and the businesses have agreed not to supply cigarettes or alcohol. Voucher holders will be able to use them in the business of their choice.

To donate to the Mitchell Community Flood Appeal, you can deposit at any branch of the NAB:
BSB: 084822
A/C: 128598929
Use your full name as the reference and email details for tax deductible receipt to... 'recovermitchell@gmail.com' or phone Sharyn at BAG on 46237814.

We should also consider, that if we are coming from outside the Mitchell community to help, we would be doing the whole community a favor if we where to buy the goods we needed here.

Friday, 10 February 2012

Flood monitoring station at Forestvale must be reinstated

Today I sent a media release to the local paper calling for the return of the automated river height recording station at Forestvale 60km North of Mitchell. Re-Automation of the river height station at Forestvale must be a priority of any incoming council.

The automated station at Forestvale was installed by the then Irrigation and Water Supply to monitor river flows to help calculate the volume of water through the river for use when designing irrigation schemes downstream. There was an extensive network of automatic monitoring sites in a number of the creeks and streams in the area. In the immediate area around Forestvale, there where three automated stations being Maranoa River at Mulkitty, Maranoa River at Forestvale and Merrivale River at Munnaweena plus a manual station at Forestvale as well. Now there are none, they have all been decommissioned or abandoned.

After the decommissioning of the Forest vale automated recording site, river height observations where conducted manually by the manager of Forestvale up until the time that the property was sold around 15 years ago. The new owner does not have a permanent manager in attendance, but a number of temporary employees who come and go as required, therefore, the local knowledge of river conditions is at risk of being lost, and the recordings are not done.

Predicting the recent record flood in Mitchell was made even more difficult by the lack of advance warning from upstream. The only recording station upstream of Mitchell is a manual station at Currawong, about 3 hours of river time upstream from Mitchell. The property owner at Currawong and his family did a mighty job in keeping everyone informed of the river conditions upstream from the town, but above them, there was nothing.

There has been talk of doing something at Forestvale for a long while, but it seems to have fallen through the cracks of the three tiers of government. Council must take a leadership role here and get this problem fixed now.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Rainy Days are good for “Office Work”

Over the last couple of Rainy days, I’ve been spending a lot of time indoors. I started out the other day cleaning up my workshop, but as it had an earthen floor, sometimes it becomes quite muddy when the water runs through during heavy rain.

While my mother has been busy preparing the BAS statement, I’ve been around to answer her questions on what some invoices are for and where it should be coded. So, while I’ve confined indoors, I’ve been doing a bit of background work for my run for Council.

I’ve designed my campaign letterhead and I’m looking at quotes for corflutes as well as sorting out the back room of my FaceBook page. It now has a unique URL at www.facebook.com/kentforcouncil . It took me a long while to work out how to do that, but, now it’s full steam ahead.

I have also sent out my first media release to the local paper with the big announcement.... Look out world, here I come!

I’ve been giving some thought about this blog and how to operate it over the next little while. There is so much I want to post but, given that we are going to have a state election first, the last thing you all want is to be bombarded by council campaigning as well. I’ve decided that I’ll keep some “Semi regular” posts up until after the state election to give everyone a bit of a break. You’ll all need to keep your electoral strength up over the next 3 months!

On another note, with all this rain around, I would like to convey my support to those people who are facing what may yet be ANOTHER flood.... Hang in there people, we’re thinking of you!

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Urban Development – We need to get it right

I went to Roma today to attend to some business and I ended up driving around on the north side of town. As I was driving back in along northern road, I noticed MORE new homes being built on the low lying land behind RomaVilla Winery. I commented to my friend in the car how foolish I thought it was to be continuing to build in the floodprone land along the creek after the couple of floodings it had received. He pointed out that these homes where being built on raised banks above the flood level and that what the developer had effectively done was built a levee bank altering the flow of floodwater through the town.

I made some enquiries to discover that the approval for this multi stage development was given by the former Roma Town Council prior to amalgamation and that, in spite of the fact that the community does not want it and that it would not be approved under the current planning arrangements, there is NOTHING that the current council can do about it. One must be careful what one says in public, for fear of retribution, but, to Paraphrase Shakespeare in Hamlet, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”. How and why this approval was granted will always remain one of life’s mysteries but Councils should NEVER approve these kinds of developments. There is no defence for this, you can’t defend the indefensible!

The decision to allow this development to proceed was disgraceful. It has placed greed before the good of the community. How is it a good thing to allow one person to profit in such a way as to inflict suffering on many others? There are times when you need to place the good of your community before the profit of individuals.

Monday, 23 January 2012

Mitchell refuse tip a load of rubbish

Anyone who has had cause to take their own rubbish to the dump will know that the state of the Mitchell Tip is a disgrace. It’s untidy, Smelly and difficult to access. But before we go crook at the council, I thought I would take the time to get some facts.

The Mitchell Tip for many years has been managed as a nice open pit into which the rubbish could be tipped and then backfilled and covered over. All that was left afterwards was a level patch of open grassland that caused no eyesore. The refuse was burned periodically to save space in the tip and extend the life of the pit. A front bund was in place to stop water from flowing in and a sump was installed to contain any water that did run in for pumping out or evaporation. All in all it was a reasonably neat and tidy place (to the extent that any dump can be)

A couple of years ago, the old tip filled up, so the council in due course set about preparing a new pit for the rubbish........ That’s when the trouble started.

As you know, the state of Queensland is governed by a bunch of people with no real practical experience who live far removed from what happens in the west in far off Brisbane. So when the application to the Department of Environment and Resource Management was received, they said that they could not justify the digging of a new pit for a town the size of Mitchell!

Pardon! Small towns aren’t allowed to have rubbish? Small towns are the ones that do NOT have access to recycling, and because of our location, everything that comes in to our town is packaged and protected for the long journey, creating even more rubbish.

I know the Council Environment and Planning department have worked hard to convince DERM that people who live in small towns DO have rubbish to throw away, but it seems that their efforts have fallen on deaf ears.

After much to-ing and fro-ing they have reached a “Compromise” You can dig down 1200mm or you can dispose of the rubbish above ground and cover it with soil. Excuse me while I swear, what clown thought that up? Instead of having a hole containing the rubbish out of the wind  that provided a level piece of ground when finished, we now have a pile of rubbish sticking up like a sore thumb blowing around the countryside and generally looking like what it is, a great big dump.

DERM need to realise that it is an unnecessary, yet significant cost placed on council and ultimately Bourne by ratepayers for the refuse to be transferred to the Roma tip.

Imagine if all the rubbish from the outlying towns was to be taken back to the Roma tip for processing? Extra Time, wear and Tear, Fuel and wages for council and extra vehicles on the road for the public.

I believe that enough is enough, The state government seem to want us to be happy to pay to freight our goods into town, and then pay to freight the rubbish away again?  It makes no sense, the biggest limiting factor to the development and progress of rural and regional towns is not the state of the economy, the geographic isolation or the impact of climate, it’s the state government and red tape.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

What does it take to be a Councillor

Last weekend, I was having a couple of beers at Dunkeld when the subject of my tilt at council came up in conversation.

I was speaking with Lex Mason, who was a councillor of the former Warroo shire up until it was amalgamated into the Maranoa Regional Council. I asked Lex about his experience in local government and if he had any pointers.

He offered me plenty of advice for which I am grateful.  Some of which is also good advice for life in general, so I’ve decided to share some of it with you:

Don’t be afraid to have strong opinions
People need to know what you believe in and what you think; no-one ever won the prise for being mediocre

Know your subject
If you are going to have an opinion on something, you need to know the facts BEFORE you form your opinion.

You can’t take back what you say
Make sure you say what you REALLY mean and try to make sure you cannot be misinterpreted.

Everyone is your boss
You need to treat all people as if they are your employer, being their councillor is like being their mechanic, you are providing a service and they have the right not to engage you to provide that service.

Be yourself
People need to know who you really are and what you are really like, no-one likes anyone who is insincere.

I particularly valued this advice from Lex, His experience as a councillor spanned a career of over 25 years and for all of that time he was respected by his constituents, his fellow councillors and the council staff.

I particularly hope that, should I be elected, I can be the kind of Councillor he was. They say that amalgamation has changed the role of Councillor, but there are some things that will never change.

Monday, 16 January 2012

The resources boom......

There has been a lot of talk recently about the resources boom and how it is doing great things for regional Queensland. While some towns have benefited greatly from the resources boom, for many others, it has passed them by.

Even a passing glance in Roma will confirm that it is definitely feeling the effects of the Coal Seam Gas boom. But travel just an hour South to Surat and it is a different story.

The Surat area has had an oil and gas industry in the area for many years, yet few of the resource companies have chosen to invest in the Surat township. Travel the road from Roma to Surat of an afternoon and you will pass a convoy of vehicles with red flags and yellow lights returning to the Roma township for the night.

The natural resource is being removed from the area, but no reinvestment in these areas is occurring.  Ask any of these resource companies what they are doing for the region and they will talk of the value of the industry to the state economy, they will talk of jobs and if you press them for the local benefits, they will talk of their investment in the airport upgrade. But what benefits are there for towns such as Mitchell, Surat or Yuleba?

Some benefits flow back to these towns through the employment of locals to work in these industries, but that can also create social issues as well. I have seen young blokes on their break with a load of cash in their pocket, sit at the pub and drink until the money is gone and it’s time to go back to work.

Council is in a position of influence with many of these resource companies, and they have an obligation to all in our community to share those benefits. We must ensure that we all benefit from the boom, not just a select few. What will be left behind when all the resources are gone?

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Communities without spirit, have no heart.

For the last couple of days, I have been helping friends move house. We have been travelling backwards and forwards with truckloads of all sorts of pot plants, furniture and miscellaneous farm equipment. We were doing long, hot days with lots of lifting, shoving and pushing, but I was enjoying every minute of it as I always enjoy spending time with friends. I started to think about how your friendships create the strands that are used to build the social fabric of our communities.

How many of our community groups and events are based around friendship and fellowship? For many years, I have been actively involved in the Mitchell show and it takes a good solid week out of my time to prepare, run and clean up after. They are long, tiring days and I don’t receive a cent for my trouble. It’s not unique to me or to the show; it’s like so many other people who do so much for so many other community groups and events.  We do it because it brings us joy, we laugh and joke with our friends and at the end we all enjoy the event and the time spent together.

You could have the most tip-top community facilities, activities and services, but without a cohesive community spirit, you will still find your community dysfunctional.  One of the often mentioned issues in some of the Central Queensland mining towns is that of the lack of community spirit leads to any number of social issues such as alcoholism, drugs and many social crimes.

We need to remember this when we are planning our communities and planning for future development. The MOST important thing is to maintain a high level of community spirit. What is the point of building well designed communities, replete with all the required services and facilities, if you have no social fabric. How hard would it be to live in a town when no-one else wants to be part of it?