Over the last couple of Rainy days, I’ve been spending a lot of time indoors. I started out the other day cleaning up my workshop, but as it had an earthen floor, sometimes it becomes quite muddy when the water runs through during heavy rain.
While my mother has been busy preparing the BAS statement, I’ve been around to answer her questions on what some invoices are for and where it should be coded. So, while I’ve confined indoors, I’ve been doing a bit of background work for my run for Council.
I’ve designed my campaign letterhead and I’m looking at quotes for corflutes as well as sorting out the back room of my FaceBook page. It now has a unique URL at www.facebook.com/kentforcouncil . It took me a long while to work out how to do that, but, now it’s full steam ahead.
I have also sent out my first media release to the local paper with the big announcement.... Look out world, here I come!
I’ve been giving some thought about this blog and how to operate it over the next little while. There is so much I want to post but, given that we are going to have a state election first, the last thing you all want is to be bombarded by council campaigning as well. I’ve decided that I’ll keep some “Semi regular” posts up until after the state election to give everyone a bit of a break. You’ll all need to keep your electoral strength up over the next 3 months!
On another note, with all this rain around, I would like to convey my support to those people who are facing what may yet be ANOTHER flood.... Hang in there people, we’re thinking of you!